New Patient Registration


Please Note: Blundellsands Surgery has an open list to any patient who is not already currently registered with a GP within the practice area.


Steps to New Patient Registration

1) Please check that your address is within the Practice Boundary. 
(Every Practice has a boundary area. you must live within our boundary to register with us).

Please click HERE to view a Map of our Practice Boundary

2) Complete The Registration Forms (GMS1 & Health Questionnaire).
(The GMS1 Registration form you complete will ask you for personal details such as: Name, Address, Date of Birth, Telephone numbers and Previous GP details - This information is very important as it helps us trace and receive your medical records quicker. The Health Questionnaire form is to help us know more about you. This form will ask for information such as: Allergies, Medication, Long Term Health Conditions, Operations you may have had, Smoking Status and Alcohol Consumption - It is imperative we have both forms fully completed before accepting your registration).  

You can collect your Registration Forms from our Reception Desk or by clicking the links below:

New Patient Registration Form (GMS1)

Health Questionnaire (FOR UNDER 5 YEARS OF AGE)

Health Questionnaire (FOR OVER 5 YEARS OF AGE)

3) Placement on the Practice Register.
(Once you have completed and signed the forms each person must return their own form to the surgery - we ask that patients bring a long with them a photographic identification (example Passport) and proof of your address (example a utility bill) for identification purposes.

Unfortunately we cannot accept forms back electronically or posted through the door - We need to physically see you and check your forms through with you.

4) Notification of Successful Registration. 
(Once you have been successfully registered we will confirm this in writing - You may also be asked to arrange an appointment for a New patient Check. If you have requested to be set up for Patient Online Services this will also be sent to you in the post or via the email you have provided us with - For more information on Patient Online Services please click HERE).

5) What happens after I have successfully registered with the practice? 
(Once you have received your letter to confirm you have been successfully registered we will then start the process of requesting your medical records from your previous surgery. Please Note: Ideally we ask if you are on repeat medication to gain at least a months supply from your previous practice to give us chance to gain access to your medical records to check what medication you take and add your medication list to our system in order for you to request it going forward). 
